How can we help?

What are the ongoing costs of using

There are no ongoing costs for using our web app after you successfully registered your company. You can keep using our app to manage your documents and certificates online or to easily order new services.

As our verified customer, you can even set up quickly new Limited's or be appointed as director or shareholder by others using Without repeating the mandatory (by Cyprus authorities) Know Your Customer process.

The only services that will cause yearly costs are accounting and tax services, which are necessary to keep your Cyprus Limited running. But you are free to cancel your annual accounting and tax service subscription after the first year, as we don't want to trap you in our ecosystem. Don't forget, we're always on your side. 🤝

Nevertheless, we honestly recommend taking advantage of our super competitive and fair accounting and tax package. It took us a year to find, negotiate, and finalize a fair and transparent price structure for our customers. Managed by a progressive and certified tax consultancy with highly motivated and perfect English speaking employees. 💪

All foreign businessmen who came to Cyprus will confirm how difficult it can be to find excellent and affordable tax advisors, accountants, and lawyers.